1Streetworks is the most disruptive traffic management planning solution to enter the highways market in the last 30 years.

The principle of the product is a simple one. It automatically produces a compliant traffic management plan in a little under 2 minutes.

1Streetworks is the most disruptive traffic management planning solution to enter the highways market in the last 30 years.

We focus on improving safety and efficiency

We know within the industry there is a lack of TM resource that is capable of designing traffic management plans and turning them around quickly. As a result of that, we see some very low-quality works being implemented around the UK; that concerns us, both as members of the public and as an organisation.

We developed 1Streetworks to make a significant difference in how streetworks are delivered in the UK dramatically improving safety and efficiency. To bring to the industry the ability to adapt and change plans when required in minutes rather than taking hours, days, or weeks. We want to make a difference in the industry and be a catalyst for modernising delivery of streetworks.

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1Streetworks is part of 1Spatial a global leader in Location Master Data Management. 1Spatial has 30+ years of track record, supporting over 1,000 organisations in more than 25 countries.

A global leader in Location Master Data Management, 1Spatial helps organisations build strong data foundations for confident and informed decision-making. By optimising the value of data, our innovative software and solutions deliver significant cost-savings and efficiencies for a safer, smarter and more sustainable world. Our clients include national mapping and land management agencies, utility companies, transportation organisations, government, emergency services and defence departments.


Explore the most disruptive traffic management planning solution to enter the highways market in the last 30 years.