
Smarter Data, Smarter World 2023

  • 2nd November 2023
  • RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London, W1B 1AD, UK
Smarter Data, Smarter World 2023

THE FUTURE OF DATA — The road ahead to a safer, smarter and more sustainable world

In today’s world, data is essential for everything we do. We rely on data to guide us in deciding how to build safer communities, build smarter infrastructures, and deliver change sustainably. However, data is only valuable if it is managed effectively.

What is Smarter Data, Smarter World?
An annual FREE event run by 1Spatial gives you the opportunity to hear both customer and industry presentations that will focus on the challenges and opportunities for using and sharing geospatial data.

The 1Streetworks team will be supporting their 1Spatial colleagues delivering a talk on integrating data to create value.


Session details:
1Streetworks — integrating data to create value
A year ago we showed you the automatic production of a Traffic Management plan. A year on and we’ve developed many new features using different data sources, micro-services, integrations and clever ways of combining data to create significant value. We’d like to share the journey with you…

Andy Fennell, Managing Director of Roads at 1Spatial
John Hartshorn, Senior Product Manager at 1Spatial